Picture Gallery
Book launch for An Unsettled Score at the DWC
Recent article in The Post-Standard.
Photo compliments of www.MarcSafran.com
First edition cover of Book-of-the-Year nom "Eden Succeeding".
Reading at Parthenon Books in Syracuse.
Phase 5 Publishing cover for the digital release of ES.
Author event for An Unsettled Score.
Giving a presentation to local high schoolers.
Digital book cover from Twenty Or Less Press.
Photo by Marc Safran.
Phase 5 anthology book cover for novella "Eden Succeeding".
Book signing at the YMCA's Downtown Writers Center.
TQR's cover art for "Every Good Stud Comes To His Senses".
A nice bit of press from the local Syracuse newspaper.
Artwork for novella "Every Good Stud Comes To His Senses".
With fellow author Mary Jumbelic
Library event for the release of "Eden Succeeding".
BBT magazine, home of the story "Jesus Christ Supersize".
Visit the photog on IG @marcsafranphotography.
Blood, Blade & Thruster Mag artwork for "JC Supersize".
Speaking at NOPL North Syracuse Branch.
Some swag for An Unsettled Score.
My interview with Family Times Magazine.
Speaking to the next generation of writers.
An early story, "I Am Tellis Moore", first published in FS.
Having some fun at Parthenon Books.
The first appearance of the short story "Man Farm".
Book signing for An Unsettled Score at Barnes & Noble.
Photo by Marc Safran.
Kaleidotrope Magazine, publisher of the poem "Metal With Me".
Space Westerns artwork for the story "The Starway Pass".